Infinity Health Offers $1,000 Scholarships

February 1, 2023
We are so excited to offer one exceptional student from each of the counties we are located in a $1,000 scholarship.
To qualify for the award, the selected students will need to be:
  • Entering a college or technical training program in the accredited health career field.
  • Be a senior graduating in 2023 from one of the following counties: Clarke, Decatur, Lucas, Monroe, Wayne, Appanoose, Ringgold, Union, Mercer, Harrison or Marion.
  • Complete each of the requirements on the documents in the link below.
  • Deliver all documents by 4:30pm on 4/14/2023 to or
Tiffany Johnson
c/o Infinity Health
302 NE 14th St
Leon, IA 50144

We look forward to reviewing all of the wonderful student applications. Please let us know if you have any questions.